Sunday, December 28, 2008
Blood and Diamond
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Seems Like a Family
Perhaps my blogging friends is far away with me and difficult to meet, but by my blogging friends seems so close with me and each other. When I visit the blog of another and leave a comment, I feel we have done a good interaction. We also always give a much support each other, admiring one another, and recognize some of our life each other.
When my blogging friend write something I always imagine how is their life today. I can imagine how their feeling when their pour a words in to a posting.
I know blogging is not like a chat, not like a facebook or friendster which can help to meet and interact with every people directly. But, blogging make me feel more of do those. By posting something and leave a comment we have shared everything, even share our problem and happiness, and it's really makes me think that it seems like a family or close friends.
I really thank you with my blogging friends who appreciate and give their time to visit my blog, I really glad can meet Grace who is my first blogging friends, can meet Tikno who always ask me to discussion, meet Jim who make me encourage to write, meet Ben who want to be my good friends, meet Azmath who also want me to be his good friend too (I thank you for your message, I'll be reply it soon), Lorflor who give me much inspiration by his wonderful posting and picture, Aldhis who also leave a good comment (oh, perhaps I can meet Aldhis in Jakarta someday), Thank you too for whiteshadow who always teach a kindness, Elendil who always posting everyday and leave me a comment, Ettarose who has same perception with me, my Indonesian frends(Rfun, Ita and yudi), Maria "the Iron Woman", Sandra, Ramana, Pearl, Nazanin, Mike, Jazzie, Mari, and Ayamlin, Anton and Cuspedepita and all of Blogging friends who cant be mentioned one by one...I really grateful to meet you all.
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Women and the Struggle for the Environment (the Story of Indian Women)
Dear my beloved readers, perhaps lately we often heard about the effort to save and defend our environment. The issue of environment become one of the crucial issue today, as we know that there are a lot of negative impact from the destruction of environment and mismanagement of natural resources, like climate change and global warming, water crises, and flood in many area. The decreased of environment sustainability, create many effort to do a tight protection through both locally or internationally. In India, the effort to struggle the environment is much done by the women. Through mobilization, women fight to prevent further more ecological destruction.
The green Revolution has created a positive impact by its success in increasing global food supply, but in the other hand, the failure of this revolution has created a negative impact by the ecological destruction. The problem of debt, the deforestation for the expansion of agricultural land, the negative effect of fertilizer and chemical pesticide, scarcity of water, and the building of dam which expropriate the area of society and agricultural land, and expropriate the role of women in the agricultural and as a the main food provider for their family and society is the become one of problem that is experienced by Indian society especially the women.
The green revolution has moved the control of natural resources (plantation) from women and farmer to the food corporation and multinational agribusiness by new superior varieties technology, and ignore the social and ecological effect of that revolution. In the other hand, Indian women against the natural concept as the pillage and try to protect environment as a Prakriti (the vitality to sustain the life). The Indian society, especially the women struggle to defend and preserve the life. The repression for the environment which is the kind of development model at a present also become a repression for the women, which depend on the nature in their effort to get a food for their family and society.
Try to protect the trees by embrace them.
That’s why the Indian women begin to make a mobilization to protect their environment. One of the movement is called Chipko Movement. Chipko means embrace, which describe the the effort of women to protect the plant by embracing the trees in order to prevent the saw machine and ax cutting the trees. Chipko movement has saved a thousand of square kilometers forests in Himalaya area, because the forest has a relation with their livelihood to fulfill their food supply and become of their income. The other movement is a Narmada Bachao Andolan which is still struggle until now to stop the building of dam in Narmada Valley.
By these movements, the Indian women try to struggle to prevent the ecological destruction. From years after years they commit a demonstration, protest and long march from one village to another village and get a positive result.
The effort of Indian women really wonderful, they have to sacrificed their live to protect the environment, and I hope it’s also become a inspiration for us to care our environment.
(thanks for my best friend, Eka Apritriasa)
Sunday, December 14, 2008
For the Future
I have a plan to go to Jakarta at December 26. It less than ten days from now, and I begin to restless about everything. Jakarta is a city which is very crowded and disorderly. Living there need to struggle very hard. I also will starting separated life with my family, and It's my first time to be far away from my parents.
As long as I have not found a job yet, I will living in my cousin's family. While I will try to find an exact job to me and looking for a place for the next life.
Sometimes I feel so hard to begin it. But nothing that I can do except looking for my livelihood for my own self. I am an adult person now, I am not a little girl anymore who depend everything on somebody else. I will try to do my best and hold on in every situation. I also just do hope that I will get a comfortable in my new place and protection for me and my family in my home.
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Human Rights for All
United Nations declared Universal Declaration of Human Rights with many essential purpose, which we can see in the preamble of it. Whereas those purpose is based on the basic human need. Universal Declaration of Human Rights has considered that recognition of the inherent dignity and of the equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human family is the foundation of freedom, justice and peace the world. In the other hand, this declaration want to protect individuals from atrocities and abusing their rights. They considered that disregard and contempt for human rights have resulted in barbarous act which have outraged the conscience of mankind, and the advent of a world in which human being shall enjoy freedom of speech and belief and freedom from fear and want has been proclaimed as the highest aspiration of the common people. United Nations also see that men and women have equal rights and have determined to promote social progress and better standards of life in larger freedom, considered the importance of the development of friendly relations between nations, and want to promote understanding of these rights and freedom is of the greatest importance for the full realization of this pledge.
Therefore The General Assembly proclaims this Universal Declaration of Human Rights as a common standard of achievement for all peoples and all nations, to the end that every individual and every organ of society, keeping this Declaration constantly in mind, shall strive by teaching and education to promote respect for these rights and freedoms and by progressive measures, national and international, to secure their universal and effective recognition and observance, both among the peoples of Member States themselves and among the peoples of territories under their jurisdiction.
Every human has rights. That is the essence of our humanity. It places on each of us the duty to stand up, not just for our own rights but also for those of others - and to help turn the vision of the UDHR into a reality. That is the spirit of international solidarity. That is the true meaning of universal, indivisible human rights.
On this special anniversary, many people will gathering together in hundred of places around the world, to light a candle, fire, and flame in a mass demonstration.
On Human Rights Day, we ought to stand up for human rights and let show our solidarity with all people around this globe who are committed to making human rights a reality for everyone.
Happy human rights day for all...
Monday, December 8, 2008
So, I and my family come there at 8.30 am. The condition rather crowded today because this is a day off.
We come together in one place, while my family who belongs to that park admit me and the others to try every arena on that park freely. So, I choose to play the sort of outbound, because of do not brought any preparation for swimming or fishing or the others. Playing flying fox and fly freely. Really astonishing ^-^....This pict was captured by my father
Preparation to fly, really nervous, but still able to smile..
Actually I rather afraid of elevated place
That's me.....not George of the Jungle....
Saturday, December 6, 2008
HIV: Social Stigma and Discrimination
Well, my posting today perhaps almost same with Tikno, but maybe more emphasize in Stigma and Discriminationof HIV AIDS.
Like we all know that the problem of AIDS at a present become famous and became one of issues in security agendas. It is because the victim of AIDS is become higher and higher time after time and rather difficult to prevent. According to the data, more than 25 million people around the world have died of AIDS-related diseases. In 2007, around 2.1 million men, women and children lost their lives. 33 million people around the world are now living with HIV, and most of these are likely to die over the next decade or so. The most recent UNAIDS/WHO estimates show that, in 2007 alone, 2.5 million people were newly infected with HIV. The second is AIDS is a one of diseases that easy to infected without knowing the age, situation, and level of society. The next, the issue of AIDS is related with social stigma and discrimination in the society, so it makes more difficult in preventing and increase the problem instead.
Regarding to the last point, HIV / AIDS is often related with stigma or discrimination. (Erving Goffman (1963) describes stigma as “an attribute that is deeply discrediting,” transforming
the affected individual into a “discredited” person)That’s why, although there are many of successes in prevention or giving treatment of HIV, stigma and discrimination have been intractable problems associated with HIV / AIDs around the world. Finally It result in the successful prevention of this diseases. It causes people delay HIV testing, restrict utilization of preventative programs, and hinder the adoption of preventive behaviour like condom use and HIV status disclosure.
From the early days of the identification of AIDS, the disease has been powerfully linked to behaviors that are illegal (such as illicit drug use) or are considered immoral by many people (such as promiscuity). Consequently, a diagnosis of AIDS was a mark of disgrace, although medical researches reveal that the disease follows well defined modes of transmission that can affect any person. As the extent of endemic unfolded, misinformation about AIDs and how transmitted triggered fear of contracting diseases.
In some developing countries like African countries, have met the AIDs head on, attempting to educate citizen and change high risk behavior in the population. However, other nations have been slow to even acknowledge the disease. It is different with developed countries some of the stigma attached to a diagnosis of AIDS has lessened in recent years, it is because of the admissions by public figures and celebrities, especially in the United States, that they were HIV infected.
The social, ethical, and economic effects of the AIDS epidemic are still play a role, and no one is entirely certain what the consequences will be get. Despite the many bad facts of the AIDS epidemic, however, humanity is armed with proven, effective weapons against the disease: knowledge, education, prevention, and the ever-growing store of information about the virus’s actions (review from: Microsoft Office Encarta 2007, UNDP report)
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Complex Humanitarian Emergency (Something We Should Know)
well, at a present since the end of old war and the threat of security moved to become non - traditional security, the focus of the threat is emphazised for the human. So does, the new concept of human security is appeared and replace the old concept of traditional security which view the threat comes from the military and state.
The threat of human comes become an important issue between the early 1980-mid 1990s, when the number of humanitarian crisis escalate from an average of 20-25 to about 65-70 per year. In the other hand, the number of people affected rose more than proportionately, and estimated that the number people involved is increase by about ten million annually. The result of this is, scores of people have been left dead, starving, homeless, and hopeless, and the other treatment. Humanitarian crises: sometimes they are deliberately made
The surge of emergencies cannot be contributed to an increase in natural disaster but rather to factors which are man-made, and a growing proportion of them becomes Complex Humanitarian Emergencies (CHEs). This phenomenon become perhaps the most serious threat to human security in the present world.
To give you an easier way in determine the case or crisis is classified to Complex Humanitarian Emergencies (CHEs) or not, I will give you some important points and characteristic of it.
- CHEs is a multidimensional phenomena that are not only accompanied by wars, but also by other forms of the human suffering including forced migration, hunger, and diseases. The interaction between violence and poverty particularly over a number of years, can lead to massive deaths.
- CHEs are man-made(that is, natural calamities like the recent devastation in Africa are excluded), although the natural disaster may act as trigger to a CHEs where conflict in ongoing.
- Third, CHEs are essentially and politicised crises. Hence, the motives of key actors need to be understood.
The first examples is looked by the case in Argentina in 1970 (during the era 'Disappeared'), the military junta sought to stifle civilians group and opposition parties by kidnapping civilians at night. Bodies were dismembered and scattered without a trace not only as a final act of humiliation and annihilation but also as a way to increase fear, to prevent the dead from becoming martyrs and to preclude the possibility of physical relics inspiring and mobilising the opposition.
the recent examples about it is in the case of Uganda. Like I have explained in my posting before that the LRA (Uganda rebels) has commit an atrocities for the civilians and children especially. Children are abducted and attacked by the LRA in the mass number. Until about 3 from 4 children in Ancholi land (area in north Uganda) dismiss because of the abducted. It really affected the condition and security situation in those area. So, this I explained you that it is become an CHEs because it turn out children in Uganda become a political instrument for the rebels.
My explanation is children can be a political instrument by using them to create a moral dilemma, recruitment amplification, and relocation of fear. Moral dilemma is created by replacing children in LRA march in armed conflict. When the children move in their march, it is created a confussion for the armed groups or state to against LRA. They confuse to protect children or protect the country, and emerge a conflict between rights of state and rights of human being. In the other hand by abducted them in a mass number can create a relocation of fear that increase LRA's bargaining position. So, thats why because of children is vulnerable and easy to manipulated is very easy for them to use children for their instrument. Children become political instrument in Africa
That's all the examples of CHEs. The various forms of violence that characterise CHEs can be describe as functional, that is, they have utility for those controlling it, and spesific, that is, they are deeply infused with meaning relating to economic, political and or social agendas.
My beloved reader, this our world. World which become worse time after time. Maybe we cant do something to overcome this trouble, but we still have a heart to help them who become the victims of it through the simple way we can do. Lets do our aspiration for our family.
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Thank You
Honestly I am really touched with every greeting, pray, and support for my graduation and every planning for the future.
I deeply say thank you for Grace, Jim, Mike, Ben, Ita, Mari, Cuspedepita and Anton, Tikno, Elendil and also my other blogging friends, my friends in everywhere, family, which can't be mentioned one by one.
Hopefully God always give us blessed and mercies..
keep in touch and always sharing...
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Graduation (Part 2)
So, check it out..
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
If I Can....
So, I like to tell something that have growth in my heart from many times ago. About my future planning..the great planning which I want to achieve if I can...before I go to desperate and God bring me to another way....^-^
First is a looking for a job. If I can choose the job that i want, I want to work at media or journalist field. I wanna be a journalist or reporter. It just because by working there, I can build and develop my thought, broaden my sight about everything. I try to avoid to looking for a job at a corporation which the cultural of working is not suitable with my personality, which I always find a routine activity that frozen my mind and make me get bored..
After working for 1 years, i want to college to get a master degree. It's a desire from the following of a scholarship that I have applied before. I apply a fellowship to study abroad today, and maybe wanna get a scholarship in next year. So, I'll take it after working for 1 years.
I have a planning to take a majority in humanitarian aids or global culture, and while a study I wanna learn more about another language beside English. The language I will be taken is depend on the country I study. Because, It can make easier my learning of that language.
So, If I can, I have a working experience and master degree before I get 25 years old. After I get master degree I want to working at NGO. I want to work in third world countries and perhaps live in armed conflict or emergency situation and can help vulnerable group.
That's my ideals of my life. I want to endeavor and want to realize it as much as I can. But I take for granted with everything that God have chosen to me. I hope God will show me a better way...
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Voice for My Children...
I cant touch you but...I can feel every shine of your eyes...
and understand every pain you've got...
I just can pray and do hope in order to you always be patience, and stand up for every poison of grief in this world...
keep your faith, and be believe that one day you will get a beautiful life
like me here...
God always guide you with every grace and save you every time...
....for every child soldiers around the world, every child labor around the world, hunger children, poor children, and children who feel sad today...may God give you warm and comfort your heart, and bring you to the better place...
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Sometimes I Love Indonesia
Something that always exist and everlasting in Indonesia until present is a its enrichment in natural resources and its diversity, that may be we can see it as a culture...
Archipelago country, this is the name of Indonesia, which describe how much of Island and sea that Indonesia has. Many Island scattered over Indonesia with its distinctiveness. And we see the diversity in it. Indonesia has a lot of ethnic, which stay in those island, and of course every ethnic has different traditional song, traditional dance, has a traditional house, and...their own language.. I really proud when I aware that Indonesia has its own language that we called ' Bahasa Indonesia'. It's a really great when I compare with another countries that most of them using their own colonial language. There are many country which have their own language like India use Hindi, Japan use Japanese with Katakana and Hiragana letters. But much of countries using English, or France, Spanish, and Arabic... the cultural enrichment of my country can be proved when I see my self , I see my self as a Javanese. I am a Javanese (one of ethnic in Indonesia). I have my own traditional clothes, we call it Kebaya, I have own traditional song, dance, and I have own language.. I speak Javanese sometimes beside Bahasa Indonesia. And, you know that Javanese have own letter, like Japanese, Arabic, Mandarin etc. It's called as "Aksara Jawa" Aksara Jawa; the Javanese Letters
This really make me that sometimes I think that I Love Indonesia.....
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Sunday Morning
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Difficult To Meet
I have some blogging friends who most of them from US, China, Philippines, and Australia, UK, and I really glad to recognize them ( I mean you all..), really interesting to read every posting they write, and knowing some of their life or activity.
But, I also wanna know and may be can sharing with someone from the places like I mention above..
Hopefully I can meet you...
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) at a Glance
But my mind remind something when I remember that I have learnt about Uganda armed conflict and its effect. The effect of conflict for civilians and children. Especially for them who become Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs).
IDPs camp in the KouKou, Chad
I don’t wanna talk too much just want to recognize you about what IDPs is. Well, IDPs (Internally Displaced Persons) is almost same with refugee, but actually it’s different. The different of among them is IDP are people who forced to flee their homes, but unlike refugee. IDPs move just still in their country border. They do not flee to other country, and stay in the safe area.
People become IDPs when they get a violence in their place like armed conflict, so they have to looking for the safe area, and leave their homes. IDPs make their own shelter by create a camp. And I’m certain that the total amount of IDPs in the world is larger than refugee.
Of course people who become IDPs often live separated with their family. They live separated with their children, because of emergency situation.
Afghanistan, Colombia, the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), Iraq, Somalia, Sri Lanka and Sudan were among the many countries in which countless women, men and children had their lives torn apart by armed conflicts in 2007. Direct attacks on civilian communities, general insecurity and the destruction of livelihoods forced innumerable civilians to flee their homes.
Giving a help or relief for IDPs is also not as easy as we thought. It is also difficult to get accurate figures of IDPs, because population is constantly fluctuating. Some IDPs maybe returning home while others are fleeing. The safety of IDPs is also not guaranteed. Many IDPs sometimes get a threat. Like in Uganda, many IDPs often get a threat and attack from rebel. They also often loss their children which is being abducted to be a child soldiers. The other threat is also in the form of cannot get an enough food, sanitation, and fragile to be contaminated by the diseases. Iraqi Internally Displaced Persons
Like refugee, IDPs has a regulation by international law for assisting and promoting the rights of refugee. It is written in the 1951 United Nations Conventions Relating to the Status of Refugee and its 1967 Protocol. But, Unlike the case of refugees, there is no international humanitarian institution which has the overall responsibility of protecting and assisting the refugees as well as the internally displaced. A number of organizations have stepped into the breach in specific circumstances.
Looking back to the destiny and the poor experience that IDPs get, I give my conclusion that refugee maybe has a better placed than IDPs. the Emergency life of IDPs is high .
That’s all about IDPs
(thanks for the information,,
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Begin to Love Bloging
just feeling, something that I feel at a present....
Global Water Crisis ?
Trapped by heavy rain, and unconditional situation to back home, I decide to just stay in a center library in my University for a of the chamber on the third floor of this library seems so quiet. There are no many people familiar to this room. But not me, It's my favourite room in this library. With 2 people here I try to continue surrounding every shelf which fulls of journal and report, and hope can find something that can help my friend to fills its thesis. I stop in front of the row of UNDP journals that really fascinate to be opened. I take one which is launched in 2006, and see the theme in the cover ' Beyond Scarcity: Power, Poverty and Global Water Crisis'...
I try to understand its contents which seems so complete, and make my new planning to write in my new posting. a child enjoys clean water in Ethiopia
the existence of water is a very vital things for every mankind. Like oxygen, we also need water to sustain our life. Without water life could not exist, and beside that, people really need clean water to sustain their health, and maintain their dignity. Beyond the households water also sustain ecological system and provides an input into the production systems that maintain livelihoods. Water pervades all aspects of human development. When they could not get access of clean water, or they lack access to water as productive resources, their rights and freedom will be constraint by ill health or endemic diseases, poverty, and vulnerability. Water gives live to everything, including human freedom and development.
But it turn out, the natural resources that we supposed to always abundant and never going to scarce, at the presents become a dilemma that disturb human security. The world today, especially in the poor countries experience water crisis. The presence water today is unhealthy and limited, and the existence of unhealthy water in many developing countries is a threat which is much greater than armed conflict.
The problems of water sometimes come from inequality among the society. Much of water are used just for world agriculture, industry, and another domestic purpose. Like in India, Irrigation
pumps extract water from aquifers 24 hours a day for healthy farmer, while smallholders depend on vagaries of rain. Here too, the underlying causes of scarcity in the large majority of cases is institutional and political, not a physical deficiency supplies. For the add, at the essentials, water scarcity is a consequence of imbalance between resources utilizations, distribution, consumption, and production under global capitalism. It is not simply as natural phenomena or a matter of increase demand or decrease supply. It is acrisis endangered by political, cultural, and economic practices.
In any cases, not only a human that need water but also the other species which live in this planet. The shortages of water disturbing the ecosystem and environment. The emergence of global warming also donor some impacts, like the rain falls in some area , while the others get drainage.
At least but not last, the urgency of water crisis is undeniable . But I still hope that there is an aware from communities, individuals, or best solution to solve or reduce this problem. Because access to drinking water is a basic human rights...
That's all the condition of water in our world at a glance...Thank you for read it..
(thank you for the information: Human Development Report UNDP 2006,,,,,,
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Become a QuickCounter
Yesterday, the Governor election has committed in my province, east Java province. And in this part, I got an assignment to become a quick counter by Indonesian Research Foundation or Lembaga Survei Indonesia (LSI).
Quick Counter is a someone who become a part of a quick count activity to help the election process in order to can perform well and faster. All of the 400 member quick counter were disseminated over the east Java Province to control election places in some area. Majority of them is a student who study in a social political faculty.
I worked in the Kemuningsari Kidul village, in Jenggawah area. It such a remove area in a Jember city, which is lack of transportation and public services. But I quite satisfied because I did not located in out of my town, cause it make me confuse to looking for the area.
I enjoy this experience...
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Study to Japan
I have a planning to follow this in the next year, because the closing date in this section is in the late October. I also want to prepare some essay that I want to offer, and ask some recommendation from professor in my faculty.
I wanna make a research about securitization and the role of non state actor in Indonesia as an essay to apply there . But I have'nt found what become my case study yet. I take securitization and role of non state actor and wanna take a majority to study about it cause maybe it will support my planning to working in International Non Governmental Organizations, and work in the overseas, especially emergency area ^-^
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Visiting Black Continent
Visiting Black Continent....
Well, I suppose that all of you can read my mind about what I want to write in my new posting at this time...and yes it's true that at least I wanna tell you about
So many variation and opinion about the exclusive of African continent, and I also have something impression about this continent.
Variation of culture
I remember when I was writing about
from Nigeria,going to Great lakes area which cover Uganda, Congo (DRC), Tanzania, Kenya, etc. The situation almost same no different with
One things that we need to know why it all must happen in
Thats all about Africa at a Glance. Africa still inspiring me. I hope one day the situations and their destiny can be better. ...and for the last, I still want to say 'I just love Africa'
Monday, October 27, 2008
I am Busy Today
Here I also help some of my friends who still processing their thesis and want to do the test in order to they can finish it soon, and able to follow the graduations in November....
Hope I can finish it soon....
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Indonesian Indegenous People
Indonesia also has indigenous peoples. They are the part of suku Asmat (Asmat tribe) in Papua, suku Kubu (Kubu tribe) who live in the forest in Jambi area, Badui in west Java, and the others... The Servant in my home also indigenous people. She's madurese ( madura tribe). She came from remove area in my town. Her name is Mrs Jupri. Actually her name is Mrs Rodiyah. Because of her son's name is Jupri, so everybody called her Mrs Jupri. Her original name is very seldom to be known of many people instead. She can't speak Indonesian fluently, but she really kind people...
Sunday, October 19, 2008
My Father's Birthday
Happy Birthday papa, hope God always bless you and guide you by his faith, and grace. Amin...
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Great Creation from My Hometown
I live in Jember town. It such a small town which lay in the east Java province, Indonesia. Nothing special with my town, just a society who friendly and from middle class. My town also has no a great places to be an object for vacation, no high building, and hypermarket with fully equipped. But, Jember has a something special which proper to be proud. It is a great parade which always be celebrated every August. Everybody called it JFC (Jember Fashion CArnaval) JFC is the only one of parade in Indonesia which showing the variation of world culture and universal phenomena, and also world fashion. It's also occur just in three country in the world. (but I am sorry, I am forget what the countries are). In August 2008 last time, the theme of fashion which is showed in JFC is "Save Our World", including 8 defile ( Borneo, Prison, Predator, Undercover, Amazon, Chinese Opera, Anime dan Recycle). Lets check up these pict.