Dear my beloved readers, have you ever seen watching a Blood Diamonds movie? the great movie that is played by Leonardo Dicaprio as a main actor.
Blood Diamond movie particullary tells about the bad condition and situation in Sierra Leone. Sierra Leone become one of the most of emergency area in Africa. The existence of internal conflict in Sierra Leone has fuelled by the combination of their richness of its natural resources, mismanagement and the greedy who is control it.

Sierra Leone becomes one of country which diamond is abundant, and these diamonds has create a great conflict and human rights violation where over 50.000 people havebeen killed, and over one million people having beem displaced. It has made United Nations General Assembly taking up this problem into their agenda and and adopted a resolution on the role of diamonds in fuelling conflict, breaking the link between the illicit transaction of rough diamonds and armed conflict, as a contribution to prevention and settlement of conflict (A/RES/55/56)
According to definition of Conflict Diamonds from United Nations, conflict diamonds are diamonds that originate from from areas controlled by forces or factions opposed to legitimate and internationally recognized governments, and are used to fund military action in opposition to those governments, or in contravention of the decisions of Security Council.
While the conflict diamonds in the Sierra Leone, at the first time is happen when the rebel group ( Revolutionary United Front/RUF) have called the various government corrups and accused them do the mismanagement of diamond and mineral reseources. The Rebel themselves, then have commited abuses at civilians. People have been raped, amputated, torture, and more. At the first time, RUF may have started from respectable aims, but time after time, they themselves have been corrupted and attracted others who see the RUF as a way to get at the diamonds an profit from it.

In the other hand, this conflict has been escalated by the involvement of multinational corporation that had concession to mine diamonds offshore. In its attempt to mop up supplies everywhere in the world, it is virtually inconceivable that the company is not, in the way or another, purchasing diamonds that have been smuggled out of Sierra Leone.
Africa, the area that actually can be welfare because of its nature become failed to build natural resources for their society. The problem of Sierra Leone Conflict is not the only one. The problem of mismanagement oil in Nigeria and the other African country, Timber in Liberia has created a mass human right violation. That is there is a perception that oil and natural resources is tichker that blood.
Selamat menyambut tahun baru
Wow! Thank you for this post, Niar. I will tell my husband to look for this movie to rent. I know I will like this kind of movie.
Have a prosperous, blessed and happy new year to you, Niar and to the family. :)
I have not seen the movie. I have, however, an idea what it is all about. Diamonds and gold are usually the root of conflict amongst people.
Happy New Year, Niar.
This is similar to what happened in East Borneo, where illegal logging has been destroyed the forest. Now if the rain coming, my city often flooded.
Indeed, money, jewelry or economic resources has blind many people eyes, even in family. That is the result of greedy people.
Hi Niar, how is Jakarta? :)
I hope you like to live here.
About Blood Diamond, it's sad to see that people see only the price tag in many store while the price of many people died can't be calculated. :(
Happy New Year and all the best for 2009, Niar!
Thank you for being Stories of Picture friend throughout 2008!
I hope we will see each other again in 2009!
Tomorrow is New Yew.
Hope you hava a brilliant NewYear.
and to your all family.
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