I have lived and growth in a country which spread out in south east Asia, near Australia, and Pasific ocean. Actually If I think critically, nothing that I have to be proud from my country. I categorize my country as a fragile states. Politically and Economically my country is under average than the others. Indonesia also do not have many of good human resources, lack of capability make a good system fulfill its society needs, its regulation, fulfill its sustainable development, and the other planning. I dont want to besmirch the performance and ability of my country...just to revise my thought about it. But, beside its lacking than developing countries, I have another opinion about Indonesia...my other thought that sometimes makes me proud and love my country..
Something that always exist and everlasting in Indonesia until present is a its enrichment in natural resources and its diversity, that may be we can see it as a culture...
Archipelago country, this is the name of Indonesia, which describe how much of Island and sea that Indonesia has. Many Island scattered over Indonesia with its distinctiveness. And we see the diversity in it. Indonesia has a lot of ethnic, which stay in those island, and of course every ethnic has different traditional song, traditional dance, has a traditional house, and...their own language.. I really proud when I aware that Indonesia has its own language that we called ' Bahasa Indonesia'. It's a really great when I compare with another countries that most of them using their own colonial language. There are many country which have their own language like India use Hindi, Japan use Japanese with Katakana and Hiragana letters. But much of countries using English, or France, Spanish, and Arabic... the cultural enrichment of my country can be proved when I see my self , I see my self as a Javanese. I am a Javanese (one of ethnic in Indonesia). I have my own traditional clothes, we call it Kebaya, I have own traditional song, dance, and I have own language.. I speak Javanese sometimes beside Bahasa Indonesia. And, you know that Javanese have own letter, like Japanese, Arabic, Mandarin etc. It's called as "Aksara Jawa"
Aksara Jawa; the Javanese Letters
So, may be my country is not too famous or rich like others ,and may be my country not like Russia who really big, have a great area, also have a diversity of culture and ethnic... But my country have a lot of ethnic too, good culture, language, which different in every area and island.. whereas It can show that how big Indonesia is..., and prove that we still have many things to be proud...Something that always exist and everlasting in Indonesia until present is a its enrichment in natural resources and its diversity, that may be we can see it as a culture...
Archipelago country, this is the name of Indonesia, which describe how much of Island and sea that Indonesia has. Many Island scattered over Indonesia with its distinctiveness. And we see the diversity in it. Indonesia has a lot of ethnic, which stay in those island, and of course every ethnic has different traditional song, traditional dance, has a traditional house, and...their own language.. I really proud when I aware that Indonesia has its own language that we called ' Bahasa Indonesia'. It's a really great when I compare with another countries that most of them using their own colonial language. There are many country which have their own language like India use Hindi, Japan use Japanese with Katakana and Hiragana letters. But much of countries using English, or France, Spanish, and Arabic... the cultural enrichment of my country can be proved when I see my self , I see my self as a Javanese. I am a Javanese (one of ethnic in Indonesia). I have my own traditional clothes, we call it Kebaya, I have own traditional song, dance, and I have own language.. I speak Javanese sometimes beside Bahasa Indonesia. And, you know that Javanese have own letter, like Japanese, Arabic, Mandarin etc. It's called as "Aksara Jawa"

This really make me that sometimes I think that I Love Indonesia.....
You can link me if you really want it! Thanks for the preference!
Niar, as someone who is a fair bit older than you and who comes from another country, one of the things that stands out about Indonesia to my mind is its progress.
You see, I remember Indonesia from the past, including past attitudes to the country. I know its problems now, but I keep looking back to what non-Indonesians thought in the past and then compare it to what has happened since.
Perhaps I should write a post on this looking not so much at the facts, but at shifting emotional perspectives.
Niar, if you think critically, it should be so many things that can be pride from Indonesia. I do not need to think twice to say, I do love indonesia.
For Yudi...
I love Indonesia, but sometimes...there's many trouble here that is done by our government and its really make much of society especially the poor suffer the most...
I dont hate my country but, honestly there are many things that really annoying, unfair,
so please forgive me for my bad thought....
Every body has a right to have a thought. Whatever it is...
I really have a big dream, that it will be someone who dare blaming a person related to so many sufferings in our country. I really have a big dream that one day every body will say I DO LOVE INDONESIA...
Hi Niar, i enjoyed reading this post. So, do you know how to write using the "Aksara Jawa" ?
If I could, I would like to visit Indonesia soon.
Hi niar~ Just came back from Bali but I'm on my way to another state now...I love Bali =) just the hotel is a little bit weird..haha..Does not provide toothbrush and toothpaste...
Hi Niar,
Borders are only lines on a map, people and humanity transgress borders.
Love people and life, not political boundaries!
PS. your blog is fantastic though it could do with a few pictures of fish on it to make it better. lol.
dapat dari mana aksara jawanya?
aQ g yakin deh masih bisa g aQ baca aksara jawa hehehehe..btw km masih bisa??????
Thanks for sharing this.
There are so many good things that come from Indonesia, people and culture included.
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