Anyway, talking about writing I have a tendency to enjoy writing since I was study in University. In a last semester I when I wrote my thesis, I begin to create a personal blog which I finally usual to write an article or anything. Then I continue my habitual and skill by taking a journalism job when I have graduated from university. Journalist or reporter world actually is a kind of job that I want to gain from a long time. There are some reasons why I am interesting in journalism. First perhaps, getting a journalist make our brain always grows. We always get new information, seeking the answer of information, and surely have a broad sight. Furthermore it will give us much more experience, experience when meet somebody else and see the others kind of life.
But it turn out, become a journalist is not as simple as we though. Especially when we have to face a high mobilization and provide more energy in doing that. Journalist in the other hand also has the problem of neutrality. Yes, it is a big problem. To be a journalist, especially from news paper, magazine or others have to write as honest as possible, have to push the way of the writing in order to not create a different perception in the society.
I like to be a journalist. I think it is a special job. But, it turn out it is not easy for me. My mother prohibit me because the reason of time and healthy. When I was a journalist I always go home at night. Spend my time in outdoor by meet the source to get an information. Yes, sometimes I rather sad, just because it is good thing to release.

Lion Air "We make people fly"
I release my job, just because I think it is better way. I hope I still able to write, much study, and get much experience. Now I am working at the airlines company. Here I become a secretary at SSQ Department (Security, Safety, and Quality). SSQ department has a noble assignment. We will keep the safety and security of every crew, passengers, aircraft, airport, and all of the staff at airlines company from hazard and another threat. For the next explanation of SSQ, I will explain it one day.
I enjoy to work here. It has more than 1 month I become a secretary here. Secretary is different with my pas job. But I am sure it also has own advantage. ^-^
My dearest reader, I am sure that many of you have heard that Indonesia lately has getting a calamity by the coming of natural disaster in Padang city, Sumatra Island. The 7,6 magnitude quake earth quake has killed a hundred even thousand people and collapsed many buildings. Sadly, one of flight attendant in my airlines became a victim when she is assigned in Padang. Many Flight Attendant stayed at Ambachang hotel when they have arrived In Padang. But when the earth quake came suddenly, one of Flight Attendant is can not be rescued, so she is trapped in the building and get a ruin.

The Padang earth quake is not the only earth quakes that recently happen in my country. We have experienced earthquake in Tasikmalaya, and many years ago earth quake in Yogyakarta and Tsunami in Aceh. Many earth quakes is observed as a result of the hit of two micro plate under Hindia ocean and Asia in west beach of Sumatra. The tectonic micro plate of Hindia hits the plate of Asia. The energy because of colliding two micro plates is creating earthquake.

Padang earth quake 7,6 magnitude quake
We really sorry to see the people and the condition in Padang today. I also thank you for the effort from International community to help Padang to recover its condition and especially help to looking for the victims that still be lost.
Padang earthquake has create a trauma among Indonesian Society. There are many issues that earthquake will be happen again in the bigger magnitude quake. But we do not know what will happen. I just hope for the best of me, my family, and my country.
Hoping that we can bear in this situation.
I also want to ask for every living people to grow our empathy for our earth, remember that our earth is getting old and fragile because of many mistakes from human that stay on it. I believe that our environment also has a heart like other creatures. So keep our harmony with the environment.
Human should keep three part in their life. With God, with others, and with nature...